


As learnt at the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan

N. Kasturi (1897-1987)


Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV
| purports 1 | purports 2 | purports 3 | purports 4 |



Prasna Upanishad: 
The Prasna Upanishad belongs to the Atharva Veda and has six sections dealing with six questions put to a sage by his disciples who were intent on knowing the nature of the ultimate cause, the power of aum, the relation of the Supreme to the constituents of the world. The Upanishad is so called as it deals with prasna or question.
See here the online-version and other Upanishads and Prasna Upanishad by SB. See also Upanishad Vahini.

Kena Upanishad:
The Kena Upanishad derives its name from the first word Kena, by whom, and belongs to the Sama Veda. It is also known as the Talavakara, the name of the Brahmana of the Sama Veda to which the Upanishad belongs.

It has four sections, the first two in verse and the other two in prose. The metrical portion deals with the Supreme Unqualified Brahman, the absolute principle underlying the world of phenomenon and the prose part of the Upanishad deals with the Supreme as God, Isvara. The knowledge of the Absolute, para vidya, which secures immediate liberation (sadyo-mukti) is possible only for those who are able to withdraw their thoughts from worldly objects and concentrate on the ultimate fact of the universe. The knowledge of Isvara, apara vidya, puts one on the pathway that leads to deliverance eventually (karma-mukti). The worshipping soul gradually acquires the higher wisdom which results in the consciousness of the identity with the Supreme. See here the online-version and other Upanishads and Kena Upanishad by SB.

Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam - Sing the Glory of Govinda - 31 verses

Dialogues with the Divine: Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba as recorded by V.S. Page

Patañjali: a great authority of the ashthânga-yoga system and author of the yoga-sûtras. [Yoga-Sûtras]. The The Yogasûtras of Patañjali or the Thread of the Science of Uniting one's Consciousness by Aadhar / Yoga Sutras of Patañjali on-lineBiography Patañjali.
Throughout the Yoga Sûtras, certain particularly important terms and concepts are repeatedly referred to and discussed. The reader who is not familiar with yoga philosophy or with Sanskrit may find the following short list of these vital terms helpful:

yoga: Union of body, mind and soul, and with God
ashthânga yoga: Eight aspects of yoga described by Patañjali as follows:
 yama: Restraints on behavior
niyama: Spiritual observances
 âsana: Seat, posture, practice of postures
prânâyâma: Expansion of vital energy through control of breath
pratyâhâra: Withdrawal of the senses
dhârana: Concentration
  dhyâna: Meditation
 samâdhi: Complete absorption
samyama: Integration (of dhâranâ, dhyâna and samâdhi)
citta: Consciousness, composed of three aspects, as follows:
    manas: Mind
buddhi: Intelligence
  ahamkâra: Ego
asmitâ: Sense of self
vrittis: Thought-waves
nirodha: Control, restraint, cessation
abhyâsa: Practice
vairâgya: Renunciation, detachment
sâdhana: Practice; discipline in pursuit of a goal
sâdhaka: Practitioner, aspirant
dharma: Science of duty, observance of duties
kos'a: Sheath, layer
kles'a: Affliction
avidyâ: Ignorance, lack of spiritual knowledge, the root cause of all afflictions
duhkha: Sorrow, grief
karma: Action and its results; universal law of cause and effect
jñâna: Knowledge, wisdom
bhakti: Devotion
samskâra: Subliminal impressions
prâna: Life force, vital energy, breath
pâda: Part, quarter, chapter
purusha: The soul, the seer
prakriti: Nature
mahat: The great principle of nature, cosmic intelligence
gunas: The qualities of nature:
sattva: luminosity [the mode of goodness, the quality of purity or goodness that renders a person true, honest, wise]
rajas: vibrancy [the mode of passion]
tamas: dormancy, inertia [mode of ignorance, also described as darkness and slowness]
kaivalya: Liberation, emancipation
Îs'vara: God
âtman: The individual spirit, seer, soul
Brahman: The Universal Spirit, Soul.

Dasara: The Dasara festival commemorates the victory of the gods over the demons, of light over darkness, of knowledge over ignorance. [read more about Dasara]






About Narayana Kasturi

