






'It is not enough to calculate the amount of your sadhana or
the hours you spend in study or meditation.
The Lord comes more for the Transformation of your heart
into a reservoir of Love.
He does not count the recitations and adoration 
you offer as more valuable. 
The heart filled with compassion is the temple 
in which He likes to install Himself'.  

Sathya Sai Baba


Devotional Music


Baba singing Bhajans I: 
Bhajans sung by Swami with devotees;
English and Dutch translations
- MP3



Baba singing Bhajans II: 
Bhajans sung by Swami with devotees;
English and Dutch translations -



Verses by Bhagavân S'rî Sathya Sai Baba,
beautifully set to music -

[NEW] Every Lunar Phase a Sai Bhajan by devotees and others
(downloadable) in



The Bhagavad Gîtâ Sung:
[parts of chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14,  15 & 18] by Indian artists. The vocals are by Ravindra Sathe as
Krishna and Hridaya Merchant as ArjunaThe inspired, accompanying music are compositions of Vanraj Bhatia - MP3



The - S'rî Sathya Sai Ashtottarashata 
Nama Ratnamala sung - 
A chain of Gems, being the 108 Names of 
Bhagavân S'rî Sathya Sai Baba -



The - S'rî Sathya Sai Navaratna Mala sung -
A Garland of Nine Precious Gems of 
Bhagavân S'rî Sathya Sai Baba
- MP3



Overview of Swami's well-known, 
classical Bhajans & Mantras

in alphabetical order, sung by Swami 
and devotees
- MP3



Singing Vaishnava Bhajans together


Books by Devotees


Nederlands - Sai Baba en de Nara Nârâyan Gufa Ashram  
door Swami Maheswaranand.
Bewerkt en in het Engels vertaald door 
B.P. Mishra 

English - Satyopanishad - Questions answered by Bhagavân during Upanishadic retreats in Kodaikanal  
by Anil Kumar Kamaraju

English - Sai Baba Gita
The Way to Self-Realization and Liberation in this Age.
Compiled and edited by Al Drucker
Published by Atma Press
Part One - Path of Devotion - 380kB
Part Two - Path of Wisdom - 472kB
Part Three - Path of Action - 144kB

Bhagavad-Gîtâ - The Divine Song.
With comments taken from the writings of 
Bhagavân Sathya Sai Baba 
(with the original Sanskrit verses)

Chinna Katha I: "One Little Story" - 262 Stories and Parables. Quoted from the Divine Discourses of Bhagavân S'rî Sathya Sai Baba. Collected by members of the S'rî Sathya Sai Study Circle, Delhi, and the Prasanthi Workshop, Madras

Prashanthi - Pathway to Peace - As learnt at the Lotus Feet of Bhagavân. Written by Narayana Kasturi (1897-1987).


Art Galleries


Lord Krishna - His life in paintings 
A collection of Indian Miniature Paintings and other paint art. 

Lord Râma - His life in paintings
A collection of Indian Miniature Paintings and other paint art. 


Gods & Goddesses - Clipart

Colin Meijer's Krishna Art - Galleries with drawings for Lord Krishna, Avatâras and Deities [color pencil] 




Film See it: - His Work -  
Baba-documentary 'His Work'
Bhagavân S'rî Sathya Sai's Work -  
'My Life is My Message' 162 MB



See and hear Sathya Sai Baba sing: Govinda Krishna Jay  

See a short film with music about Sathya Sai Baba: "Our hearts will go on".

Swami's own voice: Verses by Bhagavan S'ri Sathya Sai Baba
beautifully set to music - MP3 files



Overview of Swami's well-known, 
classical Bhajans & Mantras

in alphabetical order, 
sung by Swami and devotees - 

Mp3 format


| Index | Vahinis | Biography | Other |      


